Please note: For the Fall 2019 Season TeWinkle Middle School park in the side parking lot off Gisler, the front parking lot off California or Gisler street parking and walk through the gates next to the portables by the baseball fields off Gisler.
If you park at Gisler school parking, there are very limited amounts of parking available. There are more spaces available in the front parking lot off California Street by the basketball gym.
The bathrooms are located behind the basketball gym in portables (light blue with ramps next to baseball field).
Please note: For the Spring 2020 Season we will be at Parsons / Waldorf Field which is behind Estancia High School.
If you park at the Waldorf school parking entrance, there are very limited amounts of parking available and please do not park in the loading zone or handicapped parking zones. There are plenty more spaces available under the solar panel parking at Estancia High School.
The bathrooms are located behind the high school football field (brick building facing the Estancia High School softball fields).